Date(s) - Thursday, January 10, 2019 - Friday, January 11, 2019
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Weslaco ISD Professional Learning Center
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The New Normal requires educators to transform schools from places that focus on teaching to systems that focus on cognitively rich and engaging learning environments. Educators must be able to envision transformation as they design new systems, structures, and processes that dramatically improve the teaching and learning experience. Texas ASCD, as the premier professional organization for curriculum and instruction in Texas, is committed to the identification and professional development of individuals who currently provide leadership or aspire to be in positions of leadership in the areas of curriculum and instruction. Since 2008, Texas ASCD’s Curriculum Leadership Academy has provided more than 100 school districts the professional learning, mentoring and support necessary to become the next generation of curriculum and instruction leaders.
Module 5: Professional Learning
Learn how a district can design, implement and manage a professional learning program that supports the district’s curriculum and improves student learning. Participants will explore steps to effectively implement Professional Learning.
Module 6: Transformative Processes – Continuous Improvement
Module 6 will focus on improving productivity. Participants will learn how educational planners prepare for organizational change, develop system capacity, and improve continuously. They will develop a set of goals, objectives and actions to implement a continuous improvement model.