Date(s) - Wednesday, February 6, 2019
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Birdville ISD Fine Arts and Athletic Complex
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Join Texas ASCD and Dr. Sue Szachowicz for a one-day literacy institute!
Infusing Literacy Across the Curriculum – A Key to Increasing Student Achievement
By defining what literacy means, developing a literacy initiative which integrates specific literacy skills into every content area, training teachers in how to teach these skills, and monitoring the lessons through student work, the school community can unite around a common goal – success for all students in the classroom, on state and national assessments, and in preparation for careers. A critical component is helping teachers, who identify with the teaching of a specific content area, commit to teaching literacy skills within their content.
Dr. Szachowicz’s presentation will offer specific strategies for implementing a literacy initiative which helped transform Brockton High School into a national model.